I have narrowed it down to four. Four songs for an EP to be released later this year. One of my favorites did not make the cut. I don’t know. It’s so frustrating. Some songs sound right on when I am playing them on acoustic guitar, serenading myself at two in the morning. I am so happy and relieved that I have pulled another composition out of the cosmos. But then when they are rehearsed with the band they sound HORRIBLE! Back to the drawing board on those. It usually comes down to a production element. Maybe next time a pure acoustic record will inspire! And then there is Pro-tools and all its peculiarities. If you have not made a recent upgrade all you get is ghosts in the recording machinery. URGH!!!! These technical advances are supposed to facilitate our creative time. No chance for this babe. I am better off with my old four track tape player. Oh well, atleast I have some intelligent pro-tools brains around me to help out. Anyway, a break this week from the creative while we deal with the technical. (installing new recording computer software). Except I am skipping town for that part. I am hitting the road with my guitar……….to the GRAND CANYON! The acoustics there I have got to hear…… See you.